Letters Blog.
Celebrating 10 Years of Impact: Lumuno Mweemba’s Role in Shaping the Future at Amos Youth Centre.
Ten years may sound like an eternity, yet for Lumuno Mweemba, it feels as if she embarked on her journey at the Amos Youth Centre (AYC) just yesterday. As Co-Founder of the Learning & Leadership Center Model and Director of Programs, Lumuno, or Lulu as she is affectionately called, is celebrating a significant milestone—one that reflects a decade of growth, service, and profound impact on the community she cherishes.
Dare To Be Different: Joyce Becomes The First Female Plumber At AYC
Being the first to achieve something can be thrilling. For Joyce, becoming the first female student in Water Operations and a plumber was a significant milestone. She pursued this path out of passion and a desire to follow her dreams, setting an inspiring example for both her family and the students at the Amos Youth Centre (AYC).
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Eunice’s Story of Resilience and Success
In the face of adversity, some individuals crumble, while others rise above the challenges, transforming their hardships into opportunities for growth and success. Eunice's story exemplifies the latter, as she emerged from tragedy to become a thriving entrepreneur, thanks to the transformative impact of the Amos Youth Centre Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy Program.
From Dreams to Healing Hands: Bernard's Motivational Story of Education and Empathy
Bernard’s childhood dream was to be a pilot, however, by the time he reached 8th grade, he became inspired when he read a book written by a famous doctor. It was from that time that he was convinced without a reasonable doubt that he was born to be a doctor.